Tag Archives: survey

Planet-Pulse Reviewed

Planet-Pulse Reviewed

Planet-Pulse Logo - Simple but nice




Planet-Pulse is a site whereby it gives the opportunity for people to take surveys provided and earn money at the same time. I know of many such sites but however I did not venture into any of them. However with the recommendation of one of my friend, and some comments from others in the internet, I found myself entering the site. First impressions are always very important and all I knew was that Planet-Pulse gave me a good one. The site design was simple and nice; colours used were really soothing and pleasing to the eye. In the front page I was also greeted with a flash introduction of Planet-Pulse. Without further delay, I went on to register myself. Registration was pretty fast, (Not too quick as there was a sum of questions asked. Besides this is a survey website, it ought to know its members more) validation mail came within seconds. Validated, and off I go into the member’s panel

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