It was some years (about 2 to 2.5 years?) ago that I dropped my Macbook Pro and smashed the screen. I sent it in for repairs at a third-party and when it came back, everything seemed fine. It was not until recently, like months after the fix, did I realize that the touchpad had some problems. It felt unresponsive to clicking, as if there were something stuck and prevented the touch pad from travelling all the way down. It was also then when I realize that the Macbook did not sit flat on a flat surface (basically it was wobbling if you put force on the corners). I thought everything was fine… not until I went to open up the back cover just a month ago did I realize the root cause of all the issues.
Tag Archives: spoilt laptop
Spoilt Goes, New Comes

I often hear my mother says that breaking plates/cutleries etc isn’t really a bad thing. For only when they are broken would there be new items coming in. Same goes for my laptop. Just reformatted it twice, once from Windows Vista and another from Windows 7 Beta. Guess what OS I am using now? It is… THE ALMIGHTY WINDOWS XP! Alright, this laptop is old and dying. My dad passed it on to me after he bought a new one and being “tech-savvy” (he loved new stuff), he upgrade/downgrade the computer into Windows Vista. That only spells trouble for with such lousy specifications and such a demanding OS, nothing would go right. I often have to bear with the lag and stuff when the computer was on Vista. I hated the UAC (Account Control thingy) for it Continue reading