If you hadn’t already know, Fifa World Cup 2010 South Africa’s opening match between South Africa and Mexico ended in a 1-1 draw. Yes, the World Cup fever has started again. People taking medical leaves, not wanting to go to school or work, making excuses to go work later, staying up late at night to watch their teams play and of course going out to one of the public places to soak in the football atmosphere. To shout “goal!” is a common language throughout the world and the World Cup itself is one if not the largest sporting competition that plays great importance in the world of sports. The passion and pride of the individuals can be seen on and off the field. If you hadn’t already feel the heat of the competition, I hope some of the videos that you are about to see will raise the temperature a bit. Continue reading
Tag Archives: soccer
My Fifa World Cup 2010 Predictions
Just 8 more days before the battle of the biggest and strongest footballing nations begins. The following 5 teams are teams that I predict will have a chance to win the world cup. Predictions are based purely on my self-belief and are totally bias without any doubt. Please do not take any of the predictions to heart and bet your money on any of them. Without further ado, here are my five teams: Continue reading
How to dive and cheat
This is a very funny parody and exaggeration of famous soccer diving moments. Some are very recognizable and is definitely worth a laugh whether that soccer player is your idol or not or whether he did actually fall due to unforseen circumstances etc. No offence to any of the fans but this is just for laugh.
And for those who actually want to learn how to so called “cheat” in a match, this video has some tips for you as well. heh, guilty of some of the tricks there when playing with friends. Always funny when you dive and do something real stupid when playing a leisure game of soccer.
Hit the jump for the video. Continue reading
PC Fifa Soccer 08 Review
Just not too long ago in 2006 did EA Sports released an outstanding sports title Fifa 07. Many regarded it as a great improvement from Fifa 06 and that EA finally decided to improve its soccer games. With that said, Fifa 08 was just released a few days back and the claims made simply sounds majestic. Fifa 08 aims to give users better gaming experience as well as trying to fascinate players with its next-generation graphics. However, is that enough to impress the fans and players? Or is it simply a failure? I will give you my comments on the PC version of Fifa Soccer 08 as well as what I think about the console versions (I did not play them, just saw it through trailers etc).I would like to repeat once more that I will be giving you my review based on the PC version and not the next-gen consoles (PS3 and Xbox360). You will know why I strongly emphasize this at the end of the review. If you have been reading my blog, you might notice that I gave my thoughts on the PC Fifa Soccer 08 demo version. And my thoughts were completely negative and not a single praise has been added. Then and there I also stated how much I longed for the be-a-pro mode and I can finally try it out as I finish installing my Fifa 08 game.