Two weeks ago, I took my final academic examination. Last Friday, I submitted my final academic report. Learning does not stop though. It never does.
Tag Archives: School life
Another Internship Another Self-Discovery
This week marks the final week of my 3 month internship stint with Google. I learn a lot about Google, its products, services, the culture and of course the people. I am really fortunate to be able to experience what is it like to work in one of the best companies (in terms of the workplace happiness survey thing) in the world.
An Academic Award
After 3 academic years in university, I have finally obtained a scholarship for my final year. The scholarship covers my entire last two semesters before I graduate. Maybe this is the start of my grand exit out of my academia life. Maybe, just maybe. School’s about to start, we’ll see what happens next.
Internship Ends and Academic Year Starts
For the past 4 months I’ve been interning at a bank doing some DevOps work. I think I’ve come a long way from that horrid first two weeks of being lost and feeling terrible. I was totally unprepared for the job and tasks that were handed to me. I mean I guess it is not totally my fault considering how the internship description required me to have HTML5, CSS and Javascript skills (I know right, not exactly your DevOps languages).
One and A Half Straight Months of Coding
For every day over the past one and a half months I have been coding and coding and coding. Coding and scripting during my internship, coding during the time when I get back home and coding during the weekends. Seems good so far, maybe this is really the field that I am truly interested in. Oh and for those of you who are interested in what’s that I’m coding outside of my internship, it is this: MaiMai
First Month of Internship
Time really does pass quickly. It has been a month since I first stepped into my first ever proper “office job†and it has been an enriching experience thus far. I have been recording some of the things I am learning and learnt throughout the weeks. The first week was really rough for me but it started getting better.
Not Too Great a Start
It is that time of the semester again! Post semester or post season (for you sports people) when academic component grades slowly trickle out before the actual release day. It is this time when many will be taking out their calculators to count their possible scores and outcomes.