School’s term has ended. This in other words mean that it is time to do some reflections and thinking on both my own personal endeavors and well as that of the site. This term has been hectic for me. As of all term 1’s, time was much of the essences. Poor time management would mean handing homework late, failing to have adequate gaming time as well as the lack of sleep and rest. My time management skills are terrible and I’m in no way proud of it. Still I managed to pull through the 3 months and survived with average results. Although CCA wise there was the cancellation of the founder’s day parade, it was still as tough as ever for now I’ve become a senior and the planning of trainings etc are all done by me and the rest of the leaders. In addition, project work is extremely taxing for I had to travel to some centre every Monday and Tuesday to carry out the project. Continue reading
Tag Archives: report
Report and Reflections: March April May 08
March April May 08 reports are all combined together for a few reasons. Throughout all three months, I have been extremely busy with school and other activities. Mid-year examinations are very important and therefore had to spend a little more time preparing for it than usual. For March I had a camp during the week break and loads of homework on other days. April was the preparations for the mid-year examinations and half of May itself was the papers themselves. All of these adding up give me little to no time at all to compile any data or anything for presentation. However, now that my first semester holidays are on the way, I had some time (little though as I still have a lot of other activities undergoing) to dish this report up.
Report and Reflections: February 08
February 08 had been extremely hectic and stressful for me. There were extra curriculum activities, competitions and examinations to cope with, resulting in extremely packed and tiring days and weeks. However, I did beforehand tell you readers that my examinations went rather well (for me). I am glad to say that though the days were tough and exhausting, I managed to endure through them. Also, I took a scholarship test in the month of January and the results are out. I am sad to say that I have failed to clinch the scholarship and that I have wasted the opportunity to get a free education till I am 18 and a cash amount of $15,000 (for 4 years after deducting the miscellaneous fees etc). How sad. Demoralized and down but still, life has to go on. Besides, it is just $15,000, an amount that JUST requires me to earn the same amount the site is currently earning for around a century. Hmm that was kind of sarcastic but oh well. What is gone is gone, there is no point crying over spilt milk. Perhaps I did not have the capabilities or the potential to be one of the creams of the crop. Nevertheless, the site has been doing rather well; increasing inhabitants visiting it (did not reach my target though). Oh and lastly, I have learnt how to record in-game footage for the PS3 WOO. Boo though as the resolutions are like terribly disgusting. Right, perhaps I’ll grab some screenies from other sites or freelance ps3 gamer screen capturers (asking permission of course). Till then, I guess that is all I have and below is the details of the events that took place and some of my goals for what lies ahead.
Report and Reflections: January 08
January 08I would first like to open the end of month report for the month of January 08 with apologies for being inconsistent in producing such reports in year 2007. I admit that I was lazy and thus not wanting to go through so much hassle just to come out with reports that most people do not care at all. I am neither a professional blogger earning tons of money, nor a blog celebrity that people care what I think but nevertheless, I think such reports are musts. Whether people read it or not, taking time to reflect and think about what I did recently is really important for not only improving oneself but also to remind oneself not to repeat mistakes that had been made. Thus, with much thinking and planning, I decided that from this year onwards, every month, without fail, will have such a report.
End of Month Report and Reflections

August 2007
A month has gone by so fast. Finished my term 3’s examinations and now awaiting the finals. Stressful it is I must say. It is to the level that once it is time to relax, I do not even feel good at all. You know the feeling of me studying, worrying for my next subject and so on. I often feel that way; it is scary as I find myself hard to relax. Putting that aside, SwiftWorld is now officially 2 month old. Started in July, my site/blog has gain a number of hits and visits from people all around the world. Not too impressive but still, I feel good when I saw the improvement in the number of visitors compared to July. August is gone and now waiting for September. It has been a fruitful month; gain quite a lot of experiences through reading through web mastering forums and so on. Asked for opinions and comments on my content and articles and not much complaints and I am really glad of that. Without further ado, let us check the statistics for the month of August, and then followed by some reflecting on my personal life. Continue reading