For every day over the past one and a half months I have been coding and coding and coding. Coding and scripting during my internship, coding during the time when I get back home and coding during the weekends. Seems good so far, maybe this is really the field that I am truly interested in. Oh and for those of you who are interested in what’s that I’m coding outside of my internship, it is this: MaiMai
Tag Archives: programming
Learning and Coding for 9 Days Straight
It is “recess”/”break” week for university kids here in Singapore! While mine ends today, others start tomorrow. In the course I’m studying, “break” week is more like “make or break” week. You’ll basically be piled with so much stuff that taking too much a break will literally break everything.
Back to Coding

Ever since I started tinkering around with coding again I just cannot stop. If you have followed this site, I have recently modified a WordPress theme and gave the site a makeover. I have always enjoyed coding since my school days (took computer science as one of my core subjects) and it is the pure joy that comes from solving problems and fixing bugs that keeps me going. It can get frustrating at times especially when things simply not work even when everything seems perfectly right to you. But boy oh boy that sense of achievement when you finally crack the problem. It is superbly satisfying.
Most Schools Don’t Teach Programming
This is a short film (documentary) on what most schools don’t teach. Yes, this subject or thing is programing/coding (whichever way you want to call it). I got to learn some programming in my junior college years through my chosen subject of computer science. I absolutely enjoyed the process of every single application that I’ve coded (even the most basic ones). It is even more satisfying to see the application work and come alive. From mere words, or code, into full fledged working applications that perform the task you decide it to.