The last piece of the puzzle is finally here. To round up my PC upgrade is the graphics card. If you’ve read my previous update, the only major changes I’ve made are to the CPU and motherboard. I did get new peripherals and slapped on a SSD as well as an additional sound card. The reason I gave for not upgrading the GPU is due to the fact that I wasn’t playing any games that required a more powerful card. Besides, most games these days don’t even need that much power anyways.
Tag Archives: PC
Banished Review
Banished was highlighted to the enraged Simcity (2013) community back when the game (Simcity) was riddled with bugs and problems. It was another game within the city building genre (village building to be more exact) and it created some hype after seeing the fail launch of the highly anticipated Simcity. What is even more amazing is that the game is developed by just one guy. Nevertheless, a game ultimately has to be judged by its entertainment value and not by how it is being developed. I’ve played the game for about 20 hours and here is my take on the medieval city building game Banished.
The Need for Speed (Upgrading to SSD)

Having upgraded to a SSD only recently, this is one of those virgin SSD user experience kind of post. There are plenty of people out there telling you why a SSD would probably be the best upgrade you can ever do to your computer now. I upgraded after I decided to check out North Lakes pc repairs home page and read the SSD review. So now I’m here to tell you some of my personal experience and thoughts on that and whether or not it is exactly the “best†upgrade if you do not have one already.
PC Update Early 2014

I have finally gotten the parts to do some major revamp on my computer rig. It has been a long time coming and 2014 marks the year for a semi-major upgrade for my rig. For those familiar with the custom PC building scene, a PC usually doesn’t remain the same throughout the years as compared to say a game console (PS4, Xbox One etc). A PC can constantly be upgraded and modified to keep up to date to the latest tech and performance. I have been doing some upgrades here and there during the past few years, mainly changing my graphics card. I’m glad that the second-hand tech market in Singapore is rather busy, allowing one to buy and sell parts pretty easily. That’s how I get the money to do the upgrades. Sell the old, buy the “newâ€.
New Star Soccer 5 Review
New Star Soccer (NSS), a series that left me with much fond memories. I remembered reviewing the previous game a few years ago; NSS 4 was brilliant and so was NSS 3. NSS is a soccer/football simulation game where you play the life of a footballer. Whether you become a legend later solely depends on your skills and the way you manage your career and life. Back then the game offered something different from your bigger developers such as EA Sports and Konami with their FIFA and Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) franchises respectively. Both of those games didn’t have a player simulation mode then. However in their recent few releases, Be a Pro (BAP) and Become A Legend (BAL) are modes that are well polished and provide much fun. With that said, how does NSS 5 fair against the big guns? Continue reading
PC The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Review
Skyrim is the fifth instalment to the well acclaimed The Elder Scrolls series and is set in a time roughly two hundred years after the previous game Oblivion. Skyrim is not a direct sequel to Oblivion but do have some references here and there as it takes place in a similar world but at a different part and time. The land of Skyrim is facing two major problems at this particular time. Firstly, the dragons seem to have returned and secondly, there is a civil war between the Empire and Stormcloaks. How exactly does Skyrim fair in terms of it being a game, a product of Bethesda Softworks as well as being part of the Elder Scrolls series? Read on for my review of the game (based solely on experience on the PC version) Continue reading
PC Rage Review
Rage is a first person shooter game which takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, a world similar to the likes of Fallout, Metro 2033 etc. You play as an unknown protagonist with almost no background knowledge or information about your past except that you are an Ark survivor. The Ark is basically a movement which took significant people and froze them underground so as to rebuild a new world. You being a survivor merit yourself with special attention from everyone, and that of course place you on course of an adventure and quest to help save the world. Continue reading