It was some years (about 2 to 2.5 years?) ago that I dropped my Macbook Pro and smashed the screen. I sent it in for repairs at a third-party and when it came back, everything seemed fine. It was not until recently, like months after the fix, did I realize that the touchpad had some problems. It felt unresponsive to clicking, as if there were something stuck and prevented the touch pad from travelling all the way down. It was also then when I realize that the Macbook did not sit flat on a flat surface (basically it was wobbling if you put force on the corners). I thought everything was fine… not until I went to open up the back cover just a month ago did I realize the root cause of all the issues.
Tag Archives: MacBook Pro
3 Weeks of Apple – Thoughts from a First Time Mac User
It has been roughly 3 weeks since I’ve gotten a 2014 15″ Retina Macbook Pro. The semester is about to hit its third week and I’ve been using much of the mac and thought of sharing some of my thoughts on the Apple laptop and my experience using it.
[photo by Tiziano L. U. Caviglia via flickr]
Upgrading MacBook Pro (Mid 2010) HDD and RAM (Non 1067MHz)

This is a guide that you can refer to even if you have other MacBook Pros. The screw and hardware positions might be slightly different according to the version you have but the process is more or less the same. Do refer to the video guides that I’ve recorded to see some hands on action. It is a relatively simple process should you have the correct tools and applications.