I recently came back from a free and easy trip to Hong Kong a few days back. Thanks to the availability of the smartphone and digital apps, the trip was made much easier and more enjoyable. This post thus serves the purpose of sharing with you some of the apps that I have found useful in my trip. Without further ado, here are some recommended apps for a trip to Hong Kong.
Tag Archives: Holidays
The End of Another Chapter

“Life is like a novel, you are the author and every day is a new page.†There are several major chapters in people’s life, and for me another chapter has come to an end. Whether my story will branch off to a positive or negative route heavily depends on how well I have written this particular chapter. This chapter of course is where I take my major examinations, the International Baccalaureate, and depending on how well I’ve performed, chances of entering the university of my choice will vary accordingly. Continue reading
Knocked Out but Still Alive

What a way to finish off the term! Being hit with a rather serious colon virus infection, I finished off the final week of the term in the hospital not being able to do much. Started having stomach cramps at the very Friday last week (TGIF anyone?) and got discharged this very Friday as well (TGIF anyone?). I was hit with fever like how a rollercoaster track goes about and the stupid virus prevented me from eating anything. Occasional pains can be felt under my tummy (no it is not a baby) and there was this ever present bloated feeling. Hospitalized for roughly 4 days but sick for almost a week. No fun, it was no fun at all. Continue reading
Holidays Again! A Month Shorter

The holidays are here again. People start going overseas, start going out, start partying, and start doing all kinds of stuff. Well, not exactly all kinds people but mostly the student population. Yeah, school is out and it is time to go wild! Not as wild as the previous few years though where we got a full 2 month break which is awesome. This time though, holidays barely a month and a half plus the addition of project work and stupid philosophy which means it theoretically should be much shorter. Continue reading
Almost Time For a Break

The semester is about to end. “Holidays†are fast approaching. I need this break real soon. The pace of my IB School life suddenly shot up within the past 2 weeks or so. Assignments, important projects and internal assessments for several subjects came all at the same time. It was all party at first and the chaos at which these 2 weeks totally caught me off guard. I’m glad that it is slowly decreasing in pace and things seem to go a little lighter yet again. Continue reading
A Whole New March Holiday Experience

March Holidays are about to end. I haven’t been doing what I ought to do for my academics. I know I did say that I didn’t have much homework to do at all but there was some reading to be done. To be honest, brutally honest I’ve yet to even open the book to read even one page. There are still hundreds of pages left and school is about to start. Blah, I feel really bad now, wait don’t I always have this kind of feeling for every Holiday? Continue reading
IT Show 2010 Marks March Holidays

March holidays have begun! It is time to start my engine and read my lit books. Loads of pages from so many different books I have yet to finish reading. I better buck up my reading skills before the next term starts for semi major examinations are on the way. Anyways, before I talk about what I’m going to do during the holidays and perhaps give a summary of whatever happened in this whole term, I’ll like to talk about the IT Show I just attended. Continue reading