This is a short film (documentary) on what most schools don’t teach. Yes, this subject or thing is programing/coding (whichever way you want to call it). I got to learn some programming in my junior college years through my chosen subject of computer science. I absolutely enjoyed the process of every single application that I’ve coded (even the most basic ones). It is even more satisfying to see the application work and come alive. From mere words, or code, into full fledged working applications that perform the task you decide it to.
Tag Archives: e-learning
Introduction to Khan Academy Exercise Software
When one thinks of online learning, Khan Academy would be one of the first names to pop up. If you didn’t know what Khan Academy is, it is basically a not for profit online organisation founded by the brilliant Salman Khan. Whose video lessons on a variety of subjects (history, physics, maths etc) have gained a reputation worldwide for being really easy to understand. For now it is heavily focused on mathematics, with topics from the most basic addition and subtraction to the difficult college level stuff. Continue reading