View the adventures of Huck the duck as well as his friend, Fin, the fish! Done by some students at my school, thought it was kind of lighthearted and wanted to share with you guys.
NPCC Mega Camp 2009

This would be the second year the Mega Camp is organised in my school. Mega camp was supposedly filled with only fun and exciting games and activities leaving drills and all the normal trainings aside. This year’s experience was supposed to be different from my previous year for I am a year 4 senior now, the ones behind the organisation of the camp. Yes we did organise (some of my other friends did), but all were rejected. Instead the proposal of another senior (our previous year 4s) was taken into consideration. This is kind of a foreshadowing of the experience we are about to face in the Mega Camp. Continue reading
The Story of The New Computer

If you’ve been following my twitter posts, or know my personally in life, you ought to realise how much I wanted a new computer (a desktop, not a laptop). I’ve longed for one since the day my laptop decided to tell me that “hey I’m old, so please stop trying to open more than 2 programmes at one shot!” (of course that is exaggerating). I’ve no earning power, therefore I’ve no spending power. The only money source that I had was my parents. Of course I tried my best bargaining so that it benefits both them and myself. I promised to try my best at my first term examinations and if I managed to do so, they would give me a budget of let say $2000 (A lot I know. My parents are that loving to their kids. Always feel guilty when I lose my cool and start shouting at them.) Continue reading
End of Term 1 Round Up 2009
School’s term has ended. This in other words mean that it is time to do some reflections and thinking on both my own personal endeavors and well as that of the site. This term has been hectic for me. As of all term 1’s, time was much of the essences. Poor time management would mean handing homework late, failing to have adequate gaming time as well as the lack of sleep and rest. My time management skills are terrible and I’m in no way proud of it. Still I managed to pull through the 3 months and survived with average results. Although CCA wise there was the cancellation of the founder’s day parade, it was still as tough as ever for now I’ve become a senior and the planning of trainings etc are all done by me and the rest of the leaders. In addition, project work is extremely taxing for I had to travel to some centre every Monday and Tuesday to carry out the project. Continue reading
IT Show 2009: Hyped Over Nothing

If you’ve been following my twitter, I did a countdown for IT Show 2009. Excitement, eagerness and anxiety filled me as the days got nearer. Today, I was filled with joy and my heart almost burst due to an overload of adrenaline from the anticipation. I still had school in the morning, so I had to contain all the exhilaration during the lessons. Finally it was time to set off with a couple of friends. Public transport was the only mean of travelling for none of us were eligible to drive (quite obvious). We had the choice of the MRT or bus, ended up taking bus all the way to Suntec City. We walked for a bit before reaching the exhibition halls, preparing ourselves with the amount of crowd already present outside. The top floors were first, went in and systematically browsed through the different stalls. Continue reading
Excessive Table Tennis Celebration
Awesome dancing!
And hell yeah dude, that is the way you celebrate when you win a point!
High Rope Challenge @ Ubin

Earlier today, I went to Pulau Ubin for the High Rope Challenge, an activity that is organised by NPCC HQ. As the activity’s title suggests, the stuff we are about to face in Ubin would definitely prove a challenge. It is certainly more challenging for those who are afraid of heights. Unfortunately, I am grouped under that category. Almost every if not all of the different challenges were carry out high up in the air. I participated and completed 2 challenges before heading home. Continue reading