Titled: ENVISION : Step into the sensory box. An amazing piece of video art that plays with lighting features and the shapes of the boxes. Amazing music and light synchronization makes this video an inspiration. Read on for the video. Continue reading
LittleBigPlanet 2 Trailer
LittleBigPlanet 2 is coming! I was totally hyped up back then when the first LBP was announced. I mean yeah now that I’ve gotten the game and actually played it, it was all good and fun but not really extraordinarily great. I think the problem lies within the lack of friends/family members who would play with me. I mean LBP is totally a multi-player party styled kind of game. Playing alone can be fun but it is nothing compared to playing with another 3 other people. Anyways, LBP 2 is coming out soon exclusively for the PlayStation 3 this year and it promises to do so much more.
Read on to watch the trailer and an interview as well. Continue reading
WoW Trip Cambodia 2010

I just came back from my WoW trip at Cambodia two days ago. WoW stands for Window on the World and not World of Warcraft. Basically its purpose is to allow students to grow in many ways for example character values such as perseverance and commitment through undertaking new challenges etc. It simply follows the CAS objectives (something like community involvement programme CIP etc) and wants student to learn and build themselves up. The trip was fun and definitely worthwhile, bringing back some unforgettable memories. Continue reading
My First Ever Google Adsense Cheque

I just received my first ever google adsense cheque! Woohoo! I’m so proud of myself. Although it took 3 years to do so, I mean it is at least something right? Haha now I can use some of my money to buy stuff I want like a new set of speakers. Anyways will be away the whole of next week due to some overseas trip to Cambodia with the school. Continue reading
iPrototype Parody of Recent iPhone 4G Incident
iPrototype, the product that will revolutionize the world. Haha I laughed my way through the whole video. This parody apparently is done by some seasoned fellows that do short comedy films. This time they took the recent incident whereby the newest 4th generation iPhone was left in a bar and made a humorous parody out of it 9with the product of the iPad in play as well!). Read on to view the video!
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The Glowing Void Review

The Glowing Void is a puzzle game for the iPhone and iPod Touch. There are 2 different objectives to the game depending on the mode selected. Both modes however, follow the same concept and that is to create as many voids as possible without touching any of the red balls while in process of generating a void. Confused? Read on to find out more about this puzzle game. Continue reading
Dan the man is the title of an animated video that features Dan, as the protagonist saving a princess. The animation is based on the gaming world and has great resemblance to many side scrolling games. The storyline is very much like Mario in the case that the hero fights the evil to save a princess. What happens after the princess is saved? Read on to find out the rest of the video.