Life is Too Short

“I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow. Simply because life is too short to cry for anything.” ~ Santosh Kalwar

Indeed, life is too short and not only that, it is filled with surprises, both good and bad. Everyone should learn how to live today as if it was their last. You really never know what lies ahead.

[photo by white ribbons]

Berkeley Ridicuolously Automated Dorm

Meet BRAD, Berkeley Ridicuolously Automated Dorm. Automated lighting, curtains and music are just some of the functionalities of BRAD. BRAD responds to voice commands, apps on various platforms and timer based scripts. This is indeed one of the coolest dorm rooms that I have ever come across. To spend that much time, effort and money into making all the different things work is simply worthy of much praise. Read on for some inspirations for your next room makeover project.

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What Is There in the Darkroom?

Prepare a camera and be prepared to be amazed. To fully enjoy what you are about to see, you will require to have a camera that has the fuctionality of adjusting the shutter speed. Smartphone cameras will do as well with the help of special apps such as “Shutter Cam” (as mentioned by the producer of the video). Have your camera ready? Read on for the video and be sure to follow the instructions at the beginning.

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Budget Korean 27” IPS Monitor – Information and Comparison of the Different Brands and Models

These monitors have recently caught the eyes of many netizens. For the past few months they have been hyped up quite dramatically due to the sheer value they have. I present to you the budget Korean 27” IPS monitors. They are sold in Korea for quite some time already but are only known to the world after being spotted on eBay for an extremely attractive price. This post will serve as a short introduction to these monitors as well as a short consumer review on one of the budget monitors that I have recently purchased. Read on for some information that I have researched and collected prior to purchasing the monitors followed by my review on the monitor that I bought. Continue reading

SMU SIS Interview

Yesterday was my first ever interview in a very long time. My last interview was held in school back during my secondary 2 days. It was for entering the integrated programme in the following year. I have successfully impressed my interviewers, I think, and managed to enrol into the programme. I remembered myself getting rather nervous, asking all the previous interviewees what were the procedures and what were the questions being asked. Fast forward back to this day I too was nervous days before the interview. I spent quite some time googling, hoping find some previous interviewees sharing their experience. I did manage to find a few but only 2 to 3 of them were elaborate enough to give me some idea of what to expect. Knowing how I felt before the interview and having just gone for it, I thought I might as well share my experience with the rest of the future nervous interviewees. Continue reading