Nowadays, devices use USB ports as their main source of external power. To charge a phone, external battery or wireless headset, you would often find yourself fiddling with a charging cable with a USB port on one end. With that said, USB ports are not readily available should you not have a computer with you. In addition, if the device does not come with a wall adapter, you can practically kiss that device goodbye when its battery runs out. Here is a cheap alternative and tip for you people that have such a worry.
DIY NAS – Remote File Access (via SFTP)
Now that we have set up our basic firewall and port forwarded the necessary ports, we will now learn how to make use of that to enable data communication from outside the local area network (LAN). There are many protocols and ways to do this; SFTP is my chosen method and that is what you will be learning today.
DIY NAS – Basic Security: Firewall (iptables)
Now that you have learnt how to enable global access to your server, you should prepare your server to be ready for the outside world. There are many different measures that you can take to prevent your server from being compromised. One of the more “straightforward†methods is to setup a firewall. This tutorial will show you and guide you to do just that.
Fake DualShock 3 Controller Review (Ebay, AliExpress)
In my search for cheap third party Playstation 3 controllers, I’ve decided to give the infamous Made In China fake DualShock 3 controllers a try. I’ve purchased two “different†fake controllers from an AliExpress supplier. They are differentiated by their packaging colour; one being red and the other being blue. According to the supplier, the controllers are made by different companies and the blue packaging controller is newer and of higher quality. With all that said, how do these fake controllers perform?
A Week of Downs
If you’re a frequent visitor to Swift World you would realize that the site was down for practically the whole of last week (actually even more, roughly 11 – 12 days?). Now there is a reason to explain this and it is rather simple. There was a loophole within the control panel software that my host used. Someone had exploited this vulnerability and wiped every single thing on my host. My whole site and VPS account was wiped as well. It took about 90 hours before my VPS was reinstated.
Gioteck VX-1 PS3 Controller Review
Controllers suffer from wear and tear. Gaming long with one will definitely damage the grips and wear down the controller entirely. My Playstation 3 (PS3) Dualshock3 (DS3) controller of around 3 years had recently decided to go senile. Using the analog sticks will randomly trigger the D-Pad, causing me to rage a lot. It is time to get another controller. I looked up my local store price lists and bam, $50 for a brand new DS3 controller. I was feeling cheap and did not want to spend that kind of money. Heaven then sent me a message, a store had recently brought in (or at least I just noticed them bringing in) a third-party manufacturer controller that was half the price of an original PS3 controller. The controller is called the VX-1 by a company called Gioteck.
The Secret Of Animation (So Easy)
Did you know that making animation is extremely easy? With the right tools, you can start animating your own short film or video within minutes! The future is here guys, animation has never been so simple. Just get your 3D model ready and with some preparation, you will be ready to go in no time. Let Giovanni Braggio, a freelance animator based in London, show you exactly how. Continue reading