I’ve just, yet again, made the switch to a new host service provider. Reason being that the new plan that I am now on is slightly better specced compared to the  previous plan (for the same amount of money). The new service provider seems to be doing fine as far as I can tell. From the quick research I’ve done, past customer reviews seems positive and the lack of complaints or any serious issues is reassuring.
Migration process seems to be fine so far. Simply “cloned” my old server to the new one. Followed some guide online and apparently it should work fine. If anything is broken do feel free to contact me and let me know. Would totally appreciate your help!
I must say that the experience I had with my previous provider has been very positive. Let us all hope that this one will be as good if not better. I will be doing a full review / after-thoughts on my experience with the previous provider, one that I have been using for 2 years. For now, gonna take a break for a while after all the quick and dirty migration stuff.
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